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Gaining Ground on the Return of Serve
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Gaining Ground on the Return of Serve

I've been coaching pickleball for over ten years and have seen countless players struggle on their return of serve. They either bunt the ball back softly or get caught behind the baseline, unable to recover. Through my experience, I've identified two key areas to focus on so students can start gaining that ...

The Drop Serve For Beginners
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The Drop Serve For Beginners

This Old Dog Is Happy to Learn a New Trick Step aside, in-air volley serve, thereโ€™s a new player in town! I can still recall the day the drop serve rolled into the pickleball scene like it was yesterday. It was a chilly January morning in 2022, and as a seasoned pickleball coach of 17 years, I must confess I was ...

Mastering the Spin Serve: A Beginner’s Guide
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Mastering the Spin Serve: A Beginner’s Guide

This is part two of our series on Mastering The Pickleball Serve for Beginners, and we're jumping right into the deep end with a thorough look at spin. Check out Part One of the series to have a solid serving foundation. Introduction Okay, you know the basics of serving: Where in the ...

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