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Get Lean Get Mean: Mastering Skinny Singles
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Get Lean Get Mean: Mastering Skinny Singles

Dive into skinny singles, the pickleball drill reshaping how we play and train. This isn't your usual game. It's a streamlined version, focusing on half the court but doubling the fun and challenge. What's Skinny Singles? Think of pickleball but with a twist. You're playing on just half the court. This setup ...

The Best Pickleball Grip for Sweaty Hands
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The Best Pickleball Grip for Sweaty Hands

As a passionate pickleball player, I know the struggle all too well – there you are, in the middle of an intense game, your focus sharp, your shots precise. But then it happens. Your paddle starts slipping, and no matter how hard you grip, it feels like you’re trying to hold onto a bar of soap. Yes, I'm ...

Gaining Ground on the Return of Serve
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Gaining Ground on the Return of Serve

I've been coaching pickleball for over ten years and have seen countless players struggle on their return of serve. They either bunt the ball back softly or get caught behind the baseline, unable to recover. Through my experience, I've identified two key areas to focus on so students can start gaining that ...

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